Thursday, June 11, 2009

cinnamon lies

so someone stoked a flame and i had my hand at writing songs whilst driving on mindless errands today. i came up with a chorus. don't be too hard on me. the melody really is pretty. perhaps i'll track the song's progress. if i don't forget about it in the move. to the bay. in three days. holy smokes.

sometimes your lips taste like cinnamon
and sometimes they taste like lies
don't tell me that there's no way around this
cause i've seen your insides
and i won't settle


dogimo said...

>the melody really is pretty.
That the worst part of trying to share half! A lot of the time I don't have the guts to put the lyrics up because without the melody I feel it can't possibly come across as well. That's the definition of a hook: when the words meld to the tune so thoroughly that it becomes one thing, solid and sharp.

(well, that's my definition anyway)

But some lyrics seem strong enough to stand on their own. These you have here can stand up for themselves I do believe!

Whatever you do, make sure you find some way to record that melody. Memory turns things subtly strange.

cmm said...

thank you very much. on all counts. and actually i recorded it on my cell phone while stopped at a stop sign as soon as i liked the way it sounded. i didn't want it to get tainted as it will most likely take me a while to finish.

dogimo said...

I do the same thing. That's about the only reason I have a cell!

josh said...

cinnamon is combustable in an open flame. you should through some into a fire ,it flares up. Maybe it will inspire you, maybe not though. Hope you know i am turquoise with jealousey, you made it home, the bay. congratulations seriously