Sunday, January 18, 2009

ooo goody

i bought myself two books online. i feel kind of guilty. but there are worse things i could spend my money on, no? i've been wanting to read them both for some time. i need some inspiration. and when i typed them in, the recommended reads section (you know where pretends they know your deepest literary needs and offers up a sampling of books "someone like you" would want to read) and it contained several of my well loved favourites (am i that transparent?) so i feel it was a justified purchase. i'm really excited for them to show up. nothing like a new book. nothing like it.

oh i almost forgot to tell you what they are:
extremely loud and incredibly close & everything is illuminated
both by jonathan safran foer

ooo goody is right.

1 comment:

samantha lee said...

ooo goody is right! extremely loud and incredibly close is one of my favorite books of all time (and i am not exaggerating) love you friend