Sunday, January 25, 2009


i love road trips with people who are important to the fabric of my being. i love talking to people who hold onto similar ideals as i do. i love talking to people who care about the meshing of culture and lessons learned outside of their own minimal experience. i love talking to people who encourage me and inspire me to be the person i know, deep down, i am supposed to be. the people who say "i may not know you well, (yet), but i am eager to, and will welcome you with open arms to any community you decide to be a part of." thank the GOOD Lord for people whose minds and hearts are open and willing and waiting for unity. thank the GOOD Lord for warm breezes in the middle of january. for palm trees. and super nintendo. and laughs. and champagne. and a good friend's engagement. i am so blessed to be here. in this moment. i will never forget this time. and i will never fail to tell my children and those long after them of my "roaring" twenties. or how i made it to that party. and how on this night, i was satisfied.

1 comment:

Jonah Trevino said...

oh you cannot forget the super nintendo

last nite was the best